Friday, April 8, 2011

Myths and misconceptions of tradition

We are located on the southern tip of Africa. We are the heirs of the Enlightenment, its upside and horrors. Thus we believe some things about a concept that has come to define this continent.

If you have been attentive, you would have noticed the word tradition come up again and again and again. The work we do is about rethinking tradition, not to assert traditionalisms or to use tradition as a political tool. Instead what is needed is to refigure the following misconceptions and myths about tradition:
  • Traditions are static
  • Tradition is backward
  • All traditions are bad
  • Only certain people have tradition
  • It is possible to live without tradition
  • Tradition = culture = race
Would you agree? What is your definition of tradition?

Photo: Guy Stubbs.

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